Roy van de Ven

Sales (Management) Trainer

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Previous Occupations

Account Manager, Sales Manager, and Branch Director.

Industry Experience

Medical wholesale, eye care business, medical devices, dentistry, oral care, production, and wholesale.



Roy is enthusiastic and well-organized. He has gained extensive sales and sales management experience in various industries and disciplines. He is a down-to-earth realist who enjoys making people feel comfortable and pays attention to the individual. He is skilled at connecting different people to bring out the best in each of them. Roy is reliable, purposeful, and persistent. He possesses great endurance, which is undoubtedly influenced by his high-level sports experience. He firmly believes that we are never too old to learn and is open to new challenges himself. People in his surroundings describe him as social, friendly, honest, and a good listener without forming judgment easily. Forming his own judgment comes naturally to him.


To consciously, and certainly unconsciously, improve people. To reach new or different insights, both from the company and its employees, and bring them together for a renewed approach to achieve more success. Step by step, we raise the bar.
