header The secret of targeted competency development

The secret of targeted competency development

Knowing exactly which competencies belong to whom, why and how to develop them

Is your organization currently hampered by a lack of specific knowledge or skills? Or do you lack insight into the competencies needed tomorrow? Maybe you even wonder what competencies are exactly. It's high time to address these challenges. Companies that want to be tomorrow's winners must be able to develop new competencies in a timely and appropriate manner.

What are competencies?

Competencies are the building blocks of your organization's success. They represent the perfect mix of knowledge, skills and attitudes that lead to successful behavior. Knowledge includes everything you need to know, such as market trends, customer needs or product information. Skills include the expertise you need to master, such as conversational skills or creating effective plans. Personality also plays a role, with traits such as extraversion, social ability and willingness to connect with others.

Important competencies in a changing world

The importance of competencies is not fixed; what was valuable in the past may be obsolete tomorrow. New and crucial competencies, such as “multidisciplinary collaboration” and “leading AI,” may already be relevant to your organization today. The question is: Have your employees already mastered these competencies? Do you have a plan to develop them, or are you considering hiring new talent? There are multiple paths to success, but which is the right one for your organization?

Targeted competency development: the path to success

The good news is that you can develop and measure competencies effectively. There are clear methods for analyzing, planning and evaluating competencies. Consider, for example, the SPACE® Competency Analysis from Sales Improvement Group, which allows you to test employees on 61 different competencies. The SPACE Concept® includes five essential phases: Analysis, Plan of Action, Actions, Coaching and Evaluation. This powerful method offers HR, managers and employees insight into current competency levels and the steps needed for successful development.

Grow step by step

How do you ensure employees grow qualitatively and measurably? Follow these steps:

  1. Identify the core competencies needed for success in specific positions within your organization.
  2. Measure current competencies, for example through online competency tests, field observations, self-assessments and performance evaluations.
  3. Identify development needs based on the test results and assessments, taking into account the strategic goals of the company and the employee.
  4. Develop individual development plans based on the identified needs. These plans may include coaching, mentoring, self-study, training and other development activities.
  5. Organize training, workshops, coaching and other development activities to help employees develop their competencies.
  6. Support and monitor development and visualize it in personal development plans.

Competency development throughout the employee journey

Know which competencies to develop and determine at which stages of the “employee journey” to address them. Whether recruitment, onboarding, development or even offboarding, clarity on the competencies needed makes you attractive as an employer and ensures that employees contribute more effectively to your strategic goals.

What does competency development deliver?

When your employees possess the right competencies that align with your current and future strategic goals, this will translate into measurable success. Your organization is then optimally equipped to make the right decisions, at the right time and in the most effective way. This leads to employee satisfaction, competitive advantage and, ultimately, profits. Discover inspiring cases and handy checklists in our white paper: “Create predictable success with the right people and the right competencies.”